Cellular immunity and its persistence are important in the defence against COVID-19. Whilst antibodies tend to disappear months after infection, cellular immunity may persist and protect for years.
Cellular immunity and its persistence are important in the defence against COVID-19. Whilst antibodies tend to disappear months after infection, cellular immunity may persist and protect for years.
There are two kinds of adaptive immunity for COVID-19: humoral and cellular immunity. Cellular immunity and its persistence are important in the defence against the disease. Whilst antibodies tend to disappear months after infection, cellular immunity may persist and protect for years.
Cellular immunity is mediated by TCD4+ lymphocytes which activate B lymphocytes when in contact with the virus, producing antibodies and cytotoxic TCD8+ lymphocytes which remove infected cells.
Specific lymphocyte analysis against SARS-CoV-2 is advisable in the following cases:
o Primary immunodeficiencies
o Transplant immunodeficiencies
o Patients undergoing cancer treatment
o Patients undergoing biological treatments
At least 4 weeks must have passed to carry out the analysis after illness or vaccination (second dose).
The analysis offered by Analiza consists of identifying B, TCD4+ and TCD8+ lymphocytes against SARS-CoV-2. The lymphocytes from the patient are exposed to SARS-CoV-2 specific proteins and peptides and after being cultivated for several days, the lymphocyte activation is analysed by flow cytometry.
To carry out this test, it is necessary to take the following requirements into account:
For more information, you can consult: Test to detect the response of memory T cells
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The voucher should be used in the 30 days following its purchase.